



http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2016-04-01 17:05 来源:格伦高考



The first ever human head transplant (移植) is now possible. Dr. Sergio Canavero believes that the technology now allows doctors to carry out the Frankenstein-style procedure, which has been tested out on animals since 1970. Up until now there has been no way to successfully reconnect the spinal cord (脊髓), leaving the subjects paralyzed from the point where the transplant was connected.

Recent advances have meant that reconnecting the spinal cord is now possible, and it is believed that the breakthrough means that previously deadly diseases could be cured. However, other experts cannot accept the idea. Professor Anthony Warrens, from the British Transplantation Society, said, “Connecting a head to a body is impossible for human beings today. The whole idea is bizarre.”

In 1970 Robert White successfully transplanted the head of a rhesus monkey (恒河猴) onto the body of a second rhesus, and Dr. Sergio Canavero, a member of the Turin Advanced Neuromodulation Group, has suggested a similar method. “The greatest technical difficulty in such an attempt is of course the reconnection of spinal cords between two creatures. It is my opinion that the technology only now exists for such linkage,” he said. “It is argued that several up to now hopeless medical conditions might benefit from such procedure.”

He believes that a team of 100 could perform the operation in 36 hours —at a cost of £8.5 million. Both heads would have to be removed at the same time, and reconnected within an hour. “This is no longer science fiction. It could be done today —now. If the operation is done it will provide a few people with a great amount of extra life.” he said.“The only reason I have not gone further is lack of a huge amount of money for the operation.”

However, Dr. Calum Mackellar, from the Scottish Council on Human Bioethics, added, “This sounds like something from a scary movie.”

1. What has been the key to human head transplant?

A. The choosing of human heads.

B. The reconnection of spinal cords.

C. Lack of a huge amount of money.

D. Strong disagreement of the public.

2. The underlined word “bizarre” in Paragraph 2 probably means ________.

A. exciting B. clear

C. strange D. unpleasant

3. Robert White's experiment on rhesus monkeys shows ________.

A. the possibility of reconnecting the spinal cord

B. the difference between animals and humans

C. a breakthrough in human head transplant

D. some unsolved technical difficulties

4. The last but one paragraph mainly talks about ________.

A. the operation of human head transplant

B. the development of transplant technology

C. how to perform the operation successfully

D. whether the operation is worth performing


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