



http://www.gelunjiaoyu.com 2016-04-01 14:12 来源:格伦高考

13.The police set about arresting the suspect ________(moment) they found enough evidence to prove him guilty.

答案:the moment 解析:考查时间状语从句。句意:警方一找到足够证明他有罪的证据,就着手逮捕了这名嫌疑犯。the moment意为“一……就……”,引导时间状语从句,相当于as soon as, immediately。

14.(2014·湖南“五市十校”高三联考)It is important to be precise when calculating these figures, ________ even a small mistake can cost us millions of dollars.

答案:as/because 解析:考查原因状语从句。句意:计算这些数据的时候精确是非常重要的,因为即使一个小小的错误都会让我们损失数百万美元。as/because意为“由于,因为”。

15.(2014·南京高三模考)There can be no equality of opportunity ________ everyone follows the rules at their own game.

答案:unless 解析:考查条件状语从句。句意:除非每个人在他们自己的游戏中都遵守规则,否则就不可能有公平的机会。unless表示“如果不,除非”,符合句意。


Many people think of credit cards as a modern­day convenience, but the history of the earliest credit cards actually dates back to the early 1900s. The first credit card was invented in 1946 by a banker named John Biggins, who called it the “Charg-It” card. When a customer used the “Charg-It” card, a bill for that person's purchase was also sent to his bank for review. Instead of the customer paying the shopkeeper directly, the bank would pay them. However, all purchases had to be made locally and anyone with the “Charg-It” card had to be an actual customer of Biggin's bank.

Another early credit card was the Diners Club card, which was created in 1949. Once a businessman, Frank McNamara, went out for an important dinner. While he was out, he realized he had left his wallet at home and was unable to pay for the dinner. Somehow he managed to be able to pay, but had the idea that there had to be other ways. Soon he was working with his business partner and they developed the Diners Club card, which was originally on a piece of cardboard. Just two years later, over 20,000 people had a Diners Club card. It was used mostly for eating and entertainment and was known as a charge card, meaning that the balance had to be paid completely off each month.

American Express had been in existence since the 1850s, but it was not until 1958 that the company introduced their first credit card on a small piece of purple plastic. In all of the history of credit cards, AMEX was the first to use plastic in their material instead of paper or cardboard. Soon, American Express had taken off and became the most widely used credit card in the country. Today, everything from airplane tickets to groceries can be purchased with a credit card. The Internet has expanded the use of credit cards, making them the number one preferred method of payment next to cash.

1. The “Charg-It” card could only be used ________.

A. for eating and entertainment

B. in the southern states of the U.S.

C. by the customers of Biggin's bank

D. to pay for groceries and airplane tickets

2. What can we learn about American Express?

A. It appeared earlier than the Diners Club card.

B. It was the earliest credit card made of plastic.

C. It was the most widely used credit card in the world.

D. It was completely different from the cards we use today.

3. The main purpose of the text is to ________.

A. tell the history of credit cards

B. show how credit cards are made

C. explain why credit cards are popular

D. compare different kinds of credit cards


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